People Assessment
motivation (conscious and subconscious)
competence, skills and capabilities, ambitions
integrity and ethical standards
psychological traits, e.g. egocentrism, perserverance, aggressiveness
Organizational Assessment
organizational vitality, internal atmosphere and energy
productivity, efficiency, competitiveness
ability to adapt to threats, prospects of long-term survival
Market Assessment
customer preferences, unmet needs, frustrations, trends
demand forecasts
Values & Timing
business plan assumptions, product pricing, company valuations
best timing for specific actions
prioritization of steps
Prediction of Future Behavior
probability of YES/NO decisions
willingness to pay or invest specified amounts of funds
future levels of interest in products, services, investments
future levels of demand
Guidance & Coaching
what kinds of behaviors or reactions to expect from counterparts and how to work with them
how to uncover your counterpart’s hidden motivations
how to fend off and manage manipulative behavior
how to work with emotions -- yours and your counterpart’s
how to overcome fears and establish a level playing field in negotiations
how to work with existing conflicts and prevent future ones
how to defend your demands and persist in the achievement of your goals
price and contract bargaining
salary negotiations